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Drugs manufactured by WAKEFERN FOOD CORP

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Anticavity Fluoride Rinse - (Sodium Fluoride) - .05 kg/100L
Antiseptic - (cetylpyridinium chloride) - .7 mg/mL
Calamine - (FERRIC OXIDE RED) - 8; 8 g/mL; mg/mL
Daily Moisturizing - (Dimethicone) - 1.3 kg/100mL
Dandruff - (Pyrithione zinc) - 1 g/100mL
Dandruff - (Pyrithione Zinc) - 1 g/100mL
Dry Scalp Care - (Pyrithione Zinc) - 1 kg/100L
Isopropyl Alcohol - (Isopropyl Alcohol) - .91 mg/mL
Medicated Apricot Scrub - (Salicylic acid) - 19.8 mg/g
ShopRite Antibacterial Moist WipesAntibacterial Moi - (Benzalkonium Chloride) - .13 mg/mL
Witch Hazel - (WITCH HAZEL) - 86 kg/100L