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Drugs manufactured by EXCHANGE SELECT

Navigation: NDC > Supplier starting with: E > EXCHANGE SELECT
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Antiseptic - (Eucalyptol) - .092; .042; .06; .064 mL/100L; mL/100L; mL/100L; mL/100L
Body - (Menthol, zinc oxide) - 1.5 mg/g
EZ Nite Sleep - (ZzzQuil) - 50 mg/30mL
Miconazole 7 - (Miconazole Nitrate) - 2 g/100g
Mucus Relief Cold, Flu and Sore Throat - (Mucinex Fast Max Cold, Flu and Sore Throat Maximum Strength) - 650; 20; 400; 10 mg/20mL; mg/20mL; mg/20mL; mg/20mL
Mucus Relief Severe Congestion and Cough - (Mucinex Fast Max Severe Congestion and Cough Maximum Strength) - 20; 400; 10 mg/20mL; mg/20mL; mg/20mL
TRIPLE ANTIBIOTIC - (bacitracin zinc neomycin sulfate polymyxin b sulfate) - 400; 3.5; 5000 [iU]/g; mg/g; [iU]/g
Triple Antibiotic Plus - (bacitracin zinc,neomycin sulfate, polymyxin b sulfate, pramoxine hcl) - 500; 3.5; 10000; 10 [USP'U]/g; mg/g; [USP'U]/g; mg/g