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Drugs manufactured by DUANE READE

Navigation: NDC > Supplier starting with: D > DUANE READE
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Duane Reade - (methyl salicylate and menthol) - 7.9; 30.16 mL/104mL; mL/104mL
Duane Reade - (Methyl Salicylate and Menthol) - 5.62; 21.46 mL/74mL; mL/74mL
Duane Reade - (hydrocortisone) - .284 g/287.4g
Duane Reade - (hydrocortisone) - .284 g/28.4g
Duane Reade - (hydrocortisone) - .284 g/28.4g
Duane Reade - (DIPHENHYDRAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE) - .568; .284 g/28.4g; g/28.4g
Prevail - (Ethyl Alcohol) - 36.58 mL/59mL
Prevail - (ethyl alcohol) - 146.32 mL/236mL
Prevail - (alcohol) - 146.32 mL/236mL
Prevail - (ethyl alcohol) - 146.32 mL/236mL