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Drugs manufactured by DESERT BIOLOGICALS, INC.

Navigation: NDC > Supplier starting with: D > DESERT BIOLOGICALS, INC.
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Stomach Spleen Meridian Opener - (Arsenicum Album, Calcarea Carbonica, Carduus Marianus, Ceanothus Americanus, Cinchona Officinalis, Digitalis Purpurea, Ignatia Amara) - 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30 [hp_C]/mL; [hp_C]/mL; [hp_C]/mL; [hp_C]/mL; [hp_C]/mL; [hp_C]/mL; [hp_C]/mL; [hp_C]/mL; [hp_C]/mL; [hp_C]/mL; [hp_C]/mL; [hp_C]/mL; [hp_C]/mL; [hp_C]/mL