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Drugs manufactured by DEMOULAS SUPER MARKETS, INC

Navigation: NDC > Supplier starting with: D > DEMOULAS SUPER MARKETS, INC
Click a product name to view that drug's full NDC page
Advanced Antiseptic - (Eucalyptol) - .092; .042; .06; .064 kg/100L; kg/100L; kg/100L; kg/100L
Antispetic - (Eucalyptol, menthol, methyl salicylate, thymol) - .92; .42; .6; .64 mg/mL; mg/mL; mg/mL; mg/mL
Dandruff - (Pyrithione Zinc) - 1 kg/100L
Dandruff - (Pyrithione zinc) - 1 kg/100L
Handsoap - (Triclosan) - 1.545 mg/mL
Hydrogen Peroxide - (HYDROGEN PEROXIDE) - .3 kg/100L