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Drugs manufactured by CONCEPT LABORATORIES, INC.

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Arthritazin Pain Relieving - (Capsaicin) - .02825 g/113g
Arthritazin Pain Relieving - (Capsaicin) - .06375 g/255g
Arthritazin Pain Relieving - (Capsaicin) - .02125 g/85g
Emu Essentials Brand Pain Relieving - (Capsaicin) - .02125 g/85g
Fast Arthritis Aid - (Capsaicin) - .0615 g/246g
Fast Arthritis Aid - (Capsaicin) - .01425 g/57g
Invisible Pain - (Menthol and Camphor (Synthetic)) - 7.08; 14.16 g/118mL; g/118mL
Invisible Pain - (Capsaicin) - .875 mg/3.5g
Kool Heat Pain Therapy - (Capsaicin) - .0295 g/118mL
Kymaro - (MENTHOL and CAMPHOR (SYNTHETIC)) - 5.1; 10.2 g/85g; g/85g
Leg Strong Trifusion - (Menthol and Camphor (Synthetic)) - 7.08; 14.16 g/118mL; g/118mL
Miracle Plus Anti-Fungal - (Tolnaftate) - .59 g/59g
Miracle Plus Diabetic Homeopathic - (ACONITUM NAPELLUS, HYPERICUM PERFORATUM, LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM SPORE, PHOSPHORUS, TOXICODENDRON PUBESCENS LEAF, and CLAVICEPS PURPUREA SCLEROTIUM) - 12; 12; 12; 12; 12; 12 [hp_C]/5mL; [hp_C]/5mL; [hp_C]/5mL; [hp_C]/5mL; [hp_C]/5mL; [hp_C]/5mL
Miracle Plus Neck and Shoulder Pain Relief - (Capsaicin) - .02825 g/113g
MyOmega - (Menthol and Camphor (Synthetic)) - 6.3; 12.72 g/106g; g/106g
MyOmega - (Menthol and Camphor (Synthetic)) - 7.08; 14.16 g/118mL; g/118mL
NanoFreeze - (Menthol and Camphor (Synthetic)) - 7.08; 14.16 g/118mL; g/118mL
Omega 3 Heat Therapy - (Capsaicin) - .02125 g/85g
Omega 3 Targeted Relief - (MENTHOL and CAMPHOR (SYNTHETIC)) - 5.1; 10.2 g/85g; g/85g
Outdoor Hands - (Capsaicin) - .0295 g/118mL
Painathol-MC - (Menthol and Camphor (Synthetic)) - 15; 30.6 g/255g; g/255g
Painazin CP - (Capsaicin) - .00025 g/mL
PsoCleer - (Salicylic Acid) - 2.26 g/113g
Pure Pain Relief - (Capsaicin) - .02825 g/113g
Retadolor - (Menthol and Camphor (Synthetic)) - 5.1; 10.2 g/85g; g/85g
Sherman and Clark Pain Relieving - (Capsaicin) - .06275 g/251mL