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ICD 9 Diagnosis Block on Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs (18 entries)

ICD-9 Code and Description
Chapter: Diseases Of The Blood And Blood-Forming Organs
289.0 - Polycythemia, secondary
289.1 - Chronic lymphadenitis
289.2 - Nonspecific mesenteric lymphadenitis
289.3 - Lymphadenitis, unspecified, except mesenteric
289.4 - Hypersplenism
289.50 - Disease of spleen, unspecified
289.51 - Chronic congestive splenomegaly
289.52 - Splenic sequestration
289.53 - Neutropenic splenomegaly
289.59 - Other diseases of spleen
289.6 - Familial polycythemia
289.7 - Methemoglobinemia
289.81 - Primary hypercoagulable state
289.82 - Secondary hypercoagulable state
289.83 - Myelofibrosis
289.84 - Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)
289.89 - Other specified diseases of blood and blood-forming organs
289.9 - Unspecified diseases of blood and blood-forming organs