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E913.0 - Accidental Mechanical Suffocation In Bed Or Cradle

The ICD 9 Code for Accidental mechanical suffocation in bed or cradle is listed as E913.0.
Additional information concerning this code and description can be found below including ICD 10 crosswalks / GEMS, and chapter information where available.
ICD 9 CM Field Value
Diagnosis Code: E913.0
Long Description: Accidental mechanical suffocation in bed or cradle
Short Description: Suffocat in bed/cradle
Chapter: Supplementary Classification Of External Causes Of Injury And Poisoning
ICD-9-CM Siblings (same level / similar specificity) of E913.0:
E913.1 - Accidental mechanical suffocation by plastic bag
E913.2 - Accidental mechanical suffocation due to lack of air (in closed place)
E913.3 - Accidental mechanical suffocation by falling earth or other substance
E913.8 - Accidental mechanical suffocation by other specified means
E913.9 - Accidental mechanical suffocation by unspecified means