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L56 - Other acute skin changes due to ultraviolet radiation

The ICD 10 Code for Other acute skin changes due to ultraviolet radiation is listed as L56.
Additional information concerning this code and description can be found below including ICD 9 crosswalks / GEMS, chapter information, and DRGs where available.

ICD 10 CM Field Value
Diagnosis Code: L56
Description: Other acute skin changes due to ultraviolet radiation
  • Use additional code to identify the source of the ultraviolet radiation (W89, X32)
Chapter Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (L00-L99)
ICD-10-CM Children (deeper level / typically more specific) of L56:
L56.0 - Drug phototoxic response
L56.1 - Drug photoallergic response
L56.2 - Photocontact dermatitis [berloque dermatitis]
L56.3 - Solar urticaria
L56.4 - Polymorphous light eruption
L56.5 - Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis (DSAP)
L56.8 - Other specified acute skin changes due to ultraviolet radiation
L56.9 - Acute skin change due to ultraviolet radiation, unspecified