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E80.2 - Other and unspecified porphyria

The ICD 10 Code for Other and unspecified porphyria is listed as E80.2.
Additional information concerning this code and description can be found below including ICD 9 crosswalks / GEMS, chapter information, and DRGs where available.

ICD 10 CM Field Value
Diagnosis Code: E80.2
Description: Other and unspecified porphyria
Chapter Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E00-E89)
Block Metabolic disorders (E70-E88)
Parent E80 - Disorders of porphyrin and bilirubin metabolism
ICD-10-CM Children (deeper level / typically more specific) of E80.2:
E80.20 - Unspecified porphyria
E80.21 - Acute intermittent (hepatic) porphyria
E80.29 - Other porphyria
ICD-10-CM Siblings (same level / similar specificity) of E80.2:
E80.0 - Hereditary erythropoietic porphyria
E80.1 - Porphyria cutanea tarda
E80.3 - Defects of catalase and peroxidase
E80.4 - Gilbert syndrome
E80.5 - Crigler-Najjar syndrome
E80.6 - Other disorders of bilirubin metabolism
E80.7 - Disorder of bilirubin metabolism, unspecified