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A51.4 - Other secondary syphilis

The ICD 10 Code for Other secondary syphilis is listed as A51.4.
Additional information concerning this code and description can be found below including ICD 9 crosswalks / GEMS, chapter information, and DRGs where available.

ICD 10 CM Field Value
Diagnosis Code: A51.4
Description: Other secondary syphilis
Chapter Certain infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99)
Block Infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission (A50-A64)
Parent A51 - Early syphilis
ICD-10-CM Children (deeper level / typically more specific) of A51.4:
A51.41 - Secondary syphilitic meningitis
A51.42 - Secondary syphilitic female pelvic disease
A51.43 - Secondary syphilitic oculopathy
A51.44 - Secondary syphilitic nephritis
A51.45 - Secondary syphilitic hepatitis
A51.46 - Secondary syphilitic osteopathy
A51.49 - Other secondary syphilitic conditions
ICD-10-CM Siblings (same level / similar specificity) of A51.4:
A51.0 - Primary genital syphilis
A51.1 - Primary anal syphilis
A51.2 - Primary syphilis of other sites
A51.3 - Secondary syphilis of skin and mucous membranes
A51.5 - Early syphilis, latent
A51.9 - Early syphilis, unspecified