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Drugs manufactured by SUNMARK

Navigation: NDC > Supplier starting with: S > SUNMARK
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Calcium antacid - (Calcium antacid) - 750 mg/1
Cetirizine Hydrochloride - (Cetirizine Hydrochloride) - 10 mg/1
Hydrogen Peroxide - (Hydrogen Peroxide) - 2.65 mL/100mL
Hydrogen Peroxide - (Hydrogen Peroxide) - 2.65 mL/100mL
Hydrogen Peroxide - (Hydrogen Peroxide) - 2.65 mL/100mL
Ibuprofen and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride - (Ibuprofen and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride) - 200; 30 mg/1; mg/1
Isopropyl Alcohol - (Isopropyl Alcohol) - 70 mL/100mL
Isopropyl Alcohol - (Isopropyl Alcohol) - 70 mL/100mL
Isopropyl Alcohol - (Isopropyl Alcohol) - 91 mL/100mL
Isopropyl Alcohol - (Isopropyl Alcohol) - 91 mL/100mL
Loratadine and Pseudoephedrine Sulfate - (Loratadine and Pseudoephedrine Sulfate) - 10; 240 mg/1; mg/1
Mineral Oil - (Mineral Oil) - 15 mg/15mg
Original texture Orange flavor - (psyllium husk) - 3.4 g/11g
Ranitidine - (Ranitidine) - 75 mg/1
Stomach Relief Liquid - (Maximum Strength Pepto Bismol) - 525 mg/15mL
Sunmark Arthritis 8 Hour - (Acetaminophen) - 650 mg/1
Sunmark Arthritis Pain Reliever - (Acetaminophen) - 650 mg/1
Sunmark Loratadine ODT - (Loratadine) - 10 mg/1
Sunmark Loratadine ODT - (Loratadine) - 10 mg/1
Wintergreen Isopropyl Alcohol - (Wintergreen Isopropyl Alcohol) - 70 mL/100mL
Wintergreen Isopropyl Alcohol - (Wintergreen Isopropyl Alcohol) - 70 mL/100mL
Witch Hazel - (Witch Hazel) - 86 mL/100mL