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Drugs manufactured by FRED'S INC.

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Acetaminophen - (Acetaminophen) - 650 mg/1
Alcohol - (Isopropyl Alcohol) - 70 mL/100mL
Anti-Itch Maximum Strength - (diphenhydramine hydrochloride and zinc acetate) - 2; 1 mg/g; mg/g
Double Antibiotic Plus Pain Relief - (Neomycin Sulfate, Polymyxin B Sulfate, and Pramoxine Hydrochloride) - 3.5; 10000; 10 mg/g; [USP'U]/g; mg/g
Famotidine - (Famotidine) - 10 mg/1
Hydrocortisone Maximum Strength Plus 12 Moisturizers - (Hydrocortisone) - 1 g/100g
Loperamide Hydrochloride - (Loperamide Hydrochloride) - 2 mg/1
Loratadine - (Loratadine) - 10 mg/1
Loratadine OD - (Loratadine) - 10 mg/1
Ranitidine - (Ranitidine) - 150 mg/1
Ranitidine - (Ranitidine) - 75 mg/1
Triple Antibiotic - (bacitracin zinc, neomycin sulfate, polymyxin-b sulfate) - 400; 3.5; 5000 [iU]/g; mg/g; [iU]/g
Triple Antibiotic Plus Pain Relief - (bacitracin zinc,neomycin sulfate, polymyxin b sulfate, pramoxine hydrochloride) - 500; 3.5; 10000; 10 [USP'U]/g; mg/g; [USP'U]/g; mg/g