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238.0 - Neoplasm Of Uncertain Behavior Of Bone And Articular Cartilage

The ICD 9 Code for Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of bone and articular cartilage is listed as 238.0.
Additional information concerning this code and description can be found below including ICD 10 crosswalks / GEMS, and chapter information where available.
ICD 9 CM Field Value
Diagnosis Code: 238.0
Long Description: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of bone and articular cartilage
Short Description: Unc behav neo bone
Chapter: Neoplasms
Block: Neoplasms Of Uncertain Behavior (235-238)
Related Descriptions: Carpotarsal osteochondromatosis
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of acromion
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of articular cartilage
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of bone
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of bone of face
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of bone of lower limb
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of bone of skull
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of bone of upper limb
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of calcaneus
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of carpal bone
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of cervical vertebral column
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of clavicle
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of coccyx
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of cuboid
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of ethmoid bone
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of femur
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of fibula
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of first cuneiform bone of foot
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of frontal bone
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of hamate bone
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of ilium
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of ischium
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of long bone of lower limb
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of long bone of upper limb
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of lumbar vertebral column
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of lunate bone
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of mandible
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of mastoid air cells
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of maxilla
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of metacarpal bone
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of metatarsal bone
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of nasal bone
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of navicular bone of foot
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of occipital bone
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of palatine bone
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of parietal bone
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of patella
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of pelvic bone
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of phalanx of hand
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of pisiform bone of hand
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of pubis
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of radius
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of rib
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of sacrum
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of scaphoid bone
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of scapula
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of second cuneiform bone of foot
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of short bone of lower limb
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of short bone of upper limb
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of sphenoid bone
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of sternum
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of talus
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of tarsal bone
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of temporal bone
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of third cuneiform bone of foot
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of thoracic vertebral column
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of tibia
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of trapezium
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of trapezoid bone
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of ulna
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of vertebral column
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of vomer
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of zygomatic bone
Sacrococcygeal teratoma
Synovial chondromatosis
ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Codes General Equivalence Mappings (GEMS):
ICD-10-CM Code: D48.0 - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of bone and articular cartilage
ICD-9-CM Siblings (same level / similar specificity) of 238.0:
238.1 - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of connective and other soft tissue
238.2 - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of skin
238.3 - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of breast
238.4 - Polycythemia vera
238.5 - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of histiocytic and mast cells
238.6 - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of plasma cells
238.8 - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of other specified sites
238.9 - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior, site unspecified